Björn Brockhaus
Diplom-Kaufmann, Tax Advisor, Certified Public Accountant
The requirements for the form and content of annual financial statements are constantly increasing, so that the submission of simple annual financial statements to credit institutions is often no longer sufficient for a loan to be granted; annual financial statements on which reasonableness testing has been performed are requested. Performance of the reasonableness testing includes the preparation work, review of the accounting records, interviews, audit procedures and issuing the certificate. By issuing the certificate it is confirmed that the documents submitted are conclusive and comply with the principles of proper accounting. A reasonableness test can be performed with or without extensive audit procedures.
We offer a wide range of services in connection with the preparation of annual financial statements - do not hesitate to contact us in this regard:
Diplom-Kaufmann, Tax Advisor, Certified Public Accountant
Diplom-Kaufmann, Tax Adviser, Certified Public Accountant, Specialist adviser for controlling and finance (DStV e.V.)
Sworn Auditor, Tax Advisor, Lawyer
Diplom-Ökonom, Tax Adviser, Certified Public Accountant, Specialist Adviser for Healthcare (IBG/HS Bremerhaven)
Diplom-Kaufmann, Tax Advisor, Certified Public Accountant